Rich Linehan New Image Lawn and Scapes

Lawn Care, When To Hire a Pro

It Could Be Time to Hire a Pro Our lives are busy… very busy! As a result, it’s getting harder and harder to justify the time for DIY lawn care. If you’re on the fence then keep reading, if you’re not, please keep reading, you may change your mind… Most of us can remember when […]

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New Image Lawn and Scapes

This Is My Turf

Turfgrass Care & Maintenance in Spring Temperatures are on the rise, and spring showers are rolling in. Gone are the days of a dry, dormant lawn, and now is the time for growth and green grass. Turfgrass is great for a hardy, vibrant lawn. With just a bit of maintenance starting now, you can have […]

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Overseed to Fix a Patchy Sad Lawn

Have you noticed your lawn is looking a little patchy or limp? When’s the last time you seeded? Overseeding your lawn helps keep your grass stay full and keep growing. It will fill in areas damaged by the summer heat, insects, or diseases as well as generally enhancing your lawn’s ability to fight back against […]

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Make a plan before pruning

Pruning should follow a definite plan. Consider the reason or purpose before cutting begins.   By making the pruning cuts in a certain order, the total number of cuts is reduced greatly. The skilled pruner first removes all dead, broken, diseased or problem limbs by cutting them at the point of origin or back to […]

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Seasonal Pruning Enhances Landscape Trees and Shrubs

Proper pruning enhances the beauty of almost any landscape tree and shrub, while improper pruning can ruin or greatly reduce its landscape potential. In most cases, it is better not to prune than to do it incorrectly. By using improper pruning methods healthy plants are often weakened or deformed. In nature, every plant eventually is […]

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